|New Far Eastern Cable was honored as Jiangsu Province 5G Factory - 远东控股集团有限公司

Create "Quality" Change with "Intelligent" Change|New Far Eastern Cable was honored as Jiangsu Province 5G Factory

Author:系统管理员 Published: 2024-07-12 Hits:

  Recently, the list of Jiangsu Province 5G Factory and Industrial Internet Platform in 2024 was announced. The "New Far Eastern 5G Intelligent Factory" is on the list of 5G factories in Jiangsu Province in the year 2024, and has become a demonstration factory of "Intelligent Transformation, Digitalization, Network Connection" in the manufacturing industry of Jiangsu Province. This honor is not only a high recognition of Far Eastern's transformation in digital intelligence, but also an affirmation of its role in promoting the intelligent development of the cable industry.



  The new Far Eastern 5G Smart Factory integrates new-generation information technologies such as 5G, Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence and edge computing, and realizes comprehensive digital intelligence application from manufacturing, visual management, intelligent logistics, intelligent park and other segmented scenarios, which effectively solves the problems of high cost and difficulty encountered in the process of transformation of traditional factories, and provides strong technical support for the digital transformation of the wire and cable industry.

  Relying on the characteristics of 5G network with ultra-large bandwidth, ultra-large connection and ultra-low latency, it closely matches the various business scenarios and development needs of the Far East, plans network services in a targeted manner, ensures the accurate matching of business needs and network performance, promotes the construction of the 5G industrial Internet integration platform in the cable industry, and realizes the whole process of intelligent production based on 5G technology.

  The new Far Eastern 5G smart factory is committed to creating a "digital manufacturing, green manufacturing, flexible manufacturing" model, utilizing a platform for efficient sharing of data and information, driving the wire and cable industry to enhance the production and operation rate of the enterprise with intelligence and wisdom, and helping the Far Eastern to achieve the strategic goals of comprehensive digital intelligence, comprehensive internationalization, comprehensive benchmarking and comprehensive surpassing. It will help Far Eastern achieve its strategic goals of full digitalization, full internationalization, full benchmarking and full transcendence, and play the role of Far Eastern's industry leader in promoting the digital transformation of the entire industry.

  It is worth mentioning that Far Eastern has been awarded the honorary title of Jiangsu Province Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Factory in 2022, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's Industrial Internet Marking and Resolution Secondary Node and Pilot Demonstration of Innovative Applications in 2021 in the field of "Intelligent Reform, Digital, Network and Connectivity". Relying on the ultra-high-frequency spectrum utilization and energy efficiency of 5G, Far Eastern realizes the full coverage of people, machines and things in factories, which provides a successful model for the promotion of the wire and cable industry, and greatly pushes the process of commercial-scale landing of 5G fully-connected factories.

  Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

  背景介绍 为深入贯彻落实江苏省委省政府《加快建设制造强省行动方案》(苏办发﹝2023﹞15号)、《江苏省制造业智能化改造和数字化转型三年行动计划(2022年-2024年)》(苏政办发﹝2021﹞109号)等文件精神,围绕“1650”产业体系,聚焦“筑峰强链”重点企业,推动全省制造业智能化改造、数字化转型、网络化联接,助力全省制造业高质量发展,特组织开展2024年江苏省制造业“智改数转网联”示范企业的评选。 江苏省5G工厂是充分利用以5G为代表的新一代信息通信技术集成,‌打造新型工业互联网基础设施,‌新建或改造产线级、‌车间级、‌工厂级等生产现场,‌形成生产单元广泛连接、‌信息(IT)运营(OT)深度融合、‌数据要素充分利用、‌创新应用高效赋能的先进工厂。‌‌5G工厂的建设不仅提升了生产效率,‌降低了运营成本,‌还缩短了产品升级周期,‌降低了单位能耗,‌实现了智能化生产与数字化管控,‌推动了新型工业化的发展。‌


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