|Far Eastern Cable Honored with Science and Technology Innovation Award - 远东控股集团有限公司

International Standard|Far Eastern Cable Honored with Science and Technology Innovation Award

Author:系统管理员 Published: 2024-05-19 Hits:

  The China Electricity Council recently announced the winners of the 2023 Electricity Innovation Awards, with Far East Cable Co., Ltd.'s “IEEE 2747-2020 Power Fitting Energy Saving Technology Evaluation Guidelines and 4 other standards” receiving the 2023 Electricity Technology Innovation Award.

  The Electricity Innovation Award, established by the China Electricity Council, aims to implement the national innovation-driven strategy, accelerate innovation in electric engineering technology and industry management, and reward units and individuals who have outstanding innovation in electric engineering technology, electric industry management, and other fields. It plays an important role in accelerating independent innovation and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in the electric power industry, promoting high-quality development in the electric power industry.

  The IEEE Standard Technology Innovation Award

  As early as 2021, the central government clearly stated the goal of peaking carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and striving for carbon neutrality by 2060. During the two sessions, the Premier’s “Government Work Report” once again emphasized this goal. At the subsequent Central Conference, the positioning of peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality was clarified, pointing out that “peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality should be incorporated into the overall layout of ecological civilization construction, which is related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation and the building of a human community with a shared future.” Against this background, Far East drafted the IEEE P2747 international standard, which unified the criteria for energy consumption of fittings and accessories for wire production and testing in various countries. This standard mainly applies to the measurement of energy consumption and energy-saving evaluation of fittings and accessories directly in contact with wires. It belongs to the field of large-scale intelligent grids, with a wide range of applications, strong operability, small deviation between test results and actual operating conditions, and has strong reference significance.

  This standard solves the problems of domestic and foreign electric design companies and manufacturers lacking data when designing fittings and accessories products, power companies having no data reference when monitoring product operation, and testing agencies unable to judge product energy consumption data. It further improves the standard system of performance parameters of electric fittings and accessories, greatly speeds up the international standardization process of intelligent grids, will further enhance the discourse power of Chinese enterprises in the international market, and greatly promote major cable companies to form new competitive advantages in international trade with technology as the core.

  As a senior member unit of the IEEE Standards Committee, a member unit of authoritative professional organizations such as the National Wire and Cable Standardization Technical Committee (SAC TC213) and the National Bare Wire Standardization Technical Committee (SAC TC422), Far East Cable has actively led or participated in the drafting of more than 150 international, national, industry, and group standards, including 9 international standards, 45 national standards, 31 industry standards, and 71 group standards. It is responsible for and participates in the compilation of standards, ranking first in the industry, leading industry innovation and development, promoting China’s “quality” manufacturing, and actively undertaking corporate responsibilities.

  As the saying goes, “first-rate enterprises set standards.” Far East, as a leader in intelligent energy in the era of intelligence, will further adhere to the national standardization development strategy, implement the national strategy of “promoting high-quality development,” lead economic development with standards, actively explore the internationalization path of standards, join hands with IEEE with resource and technological advantages, and use international standards to enhance international competitiveness for high-quality development.


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